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The Book That Changed My Life...

I've been writing stories since I was six years old. (Seriously. I have the very first book I ever wrote - AND illustrated - sitting on my book shelf.) But I didn't become a devoted writer of "real" books until I was ten years old. The year the first Lord of the Rings movie came out, and my mother made us read the book before we could watch the movie. It also happened to be the year that my family read the book The Tower of Geburah by John White aloud.

I've been writing stories since I was six years old. (Seriously. I have the very first book I ever wrote - AND illustrated - sitting on my book shelf.) But I didn't become a devoted writer of "real" books until I was ten years old. The year the first Lord of the Rings movie came out, and my mother made us read the book before we could watch the movie. It also happened to be the year that my family read the book The Tower of Geburah by John White aloud.

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